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OK, here's a little program called ClickUpFront, which is my addition to the
ClickToFront-type utilities. ClickUpFront installs an input handler that
brings windows (and screens) to the front when you double click in them.
To install the handler, just type:
1> ClickUpFront
It should tell you that it has installed the handler. You don't have to
RUN ClickUpFront, because it sets up the handler and then exits, leaving only
the input handler in memory. The handler itself only takes up less than 900
bytes when it is installed, so you shouldn't have to worry about using lots
of memory.
Once ClickUpFront is installed and you double click in a window, that window
will be brought to the front of all the other windows (unless it is a backdrop
window). If the window is on a screen that is not the front-most screen,
then that screen is brought to the front of all the other screens as well.
You can set the double-click time with the Preferences tool. Be careful that
you don't move the mouse between clicks as this will cause ClickUpFront to
ignore the double-click.
To remove the input handler, simply call ClickUpFront a second time.
ClickUpFront creates a public, named message-port that it uses to hold the
information it needs in order to remove the handler that it installed. See
the code for details of how this works.
Note that ClickUpFront does not remove mouse click events from the input
stream even when they form a double-click that moves a window to the front.
If you want to be able to send a double-click to a window WITHOUT having it
come to the front, simply hold down one of the shift keys while you click
in the window. ClickUpFront will ignore double-clicks when a shift key is
pressed. If you want to use some other qualifier key instead of the shift
keys, you can specify a qualifier-key mask on the commaand line:
1> ClickUpFront 0x0008
would specify the CTRL key instead of the shift keys. See the include file
exec/inputevent.h for the hex values for the other qualifier keys.
To install ClickUpFront on your disk, simply unshar and uudecode the
executables. Put ClickUpFront in the C: directory and put Click-Handler in the
L: directory (or the current directory).
To compile and link ClickUpFront, type:
1> LC -v ClickUpFront Click-Handler
1> ASM HandlerStub
1> BLINK WITH ClickUpFront.lnk
1> BLINK WITH Click-Handler.lnk
You can use the -b and -r options with ClickUpFront, but don't use them for
Hope you enjoy this little program!
Davide P. Cervone
University of Rochester Computing Center dpvc@tut.cc.rochester.EDU
Taylor Hall dpvc@ur-tut.UUCP
Rochester, New York 14627 DPVC@UORDBV.BITNET
(716) 275-2811